It’s hard to believe our little boy is going to be 3 years old on Friday! I remember very well thinking he would never be. But on September 18th, 2006 we were blessed with our little boy. He was a challenge to create, he was a challenge as an infant and he continues to challenge us each day as a preschooler. He can stir emotions in all of us that we never new we had. We can be laughing and tickling one minute and then the next we will want to toss him into the moat! We have never loved so much and been frustrated so much by the same little person. Landon is curious and clever. His guardian angel is exhausted at the end of the day. He loves the Backyardigans, Winnie the Pooh and Hannah Montana! He LOVES his big sister! He will happily watch Barbie movies with her and dance to Best of Worlds. He LOVES his daddy! They have a special bond. Landon and Daddy go for walks to the bakery and enjoy their special quite time at bedtime. He LOVES his mommy! Every morning they say goodbye to Alianna and Daddy and that’s when the Landon and Mommy Morning Show begins. They have live cooking demonstrations and special guest appearances. In August Landon took the show on the road and reports live from kindergarten. They even have a theme song! Yes, our little boy isn’t so little any more. He is beginning to speak more and really let his personality shine! He loves his “brotchie” and “cucumbie” and everyday we must walk to see Frau Schumacher to get his bag of gummie bears! He isn’t interested in riding a tricycle or playing with trains but boy can he chase and terrorize our family of ducks! He would rather jump on the trampoline and eat rocks then swing. He definitely dances to his own tune.