Anyway, the doctor walks in says hello and ask me how I am doing and why am I here. I remind her, in English of course, that we need to look at a suspicious mole. Instead of asking me about the mole and if I have noticed any changes, her next question is, "So how is your German coming along?" Really? I didn't realize your were Dr. Berlitz! Caught off guard I simply relpy, "It's fine thank you."
Dr.-"Then we can speak German now?"
Me-"We could, but we wouldn't get anywhere."
Dr.-"Why is it so hard for you to learn German?"
Ok, this is where I bit my tongue and almost needed stitches. WHY? Let's see... It's a fricking crazy language for starters! There are words longer then our English alphabet. And don't get me started with Der, Die, Das. It's THE! Simple one word, no gender needed! And why do you break up verbs and split them in a sentence? And only one of them? How do you know which one? Uggh! Too many rules and then too many exceptions to the rules. But I digress. Back to the doctor.
Me-"Do you really want to know? Really?"
Dr.-"Is it that everyone speaks English to you? It is isn't it? I would really like to know."
Now I understand that every family has it's challenges and I am by no means complaining how hard I have it compared to any other mom. I am very fortunate and blessed, but like everyone, life can be a bit overwhelming. So here was my response.
Me-"Let's see. I have two kids that go to two different school 1 hour apart. So I spend 4 to 5 hours a day driving someone somewhere. One kid has special needs and I take him to therapy 3 times a week. Then I have to work with him at home, everyday. My daughter has piano and dance. Oh, yeah and they both have school work. My husband is always working and last time I checked, I do not have a driver, nanny, maid, tutor or any family support here. Somewhere in between being taxi mommy and care giver, I also need to grocery shop, clean my house and do all the other things to run a household. And no, not everyone speaks English to me, which makes the above mentioned take, I don't know, 20 times longer! I would LOVE to speak German! More then you know! But when you look at the big picture, my kids are doing great, everyone is fed, my house has not been taken over by dust bunnies and mold, and I even managed to make this appointment and get here on time. I'd say my German is pretty damn good!!"
Dr.- "Okay, so let's have a look at the mole..."