Friday, February 18, 2011

February Update

Wondering what's up with us? Not a whole lot which is why I haven't posted anything. After everyone being sick, it has been nice to take it a little slower over the past couple of weeks. Larry and I had a date night last weekend and we went to the movies! First time together since we moved here and lucky for us it was a good movie: Love, Sex and Other Drugs. We also enjoyed the having a beer with our popcorn option! There are somethings the German's do better then us and beer whenever, wherever is one of them!

Ali has started piano lessons again and she is now playing soccer. She is enjoying both, but pretty tired by the end of the week when you mix in gymnastics and school. Landon had a fun Wednesday at school as he and his class performed a storytelling telling time for the parents.

Landon also had is first Cranial Sacral Therapy session. He did very well considering he had to let a stranger hold is head still for 30 minutes! We go again next week and will continue for a few session to see if it helps his concentration and focus. Landon will also go tomorrow to pick out his first pair of eyeglasses! Yes, our little man is just like daddy and is starting young. I can only imagine how many pairs we are going to go through! I just hope they help his lazy eye because if they don't he will need to wear a patch and that won't go over well with him either. I am hoping that the glasses will make such a big difference that he will WANT to wear them. A mother can dream! I told his teacher today and she is already trying to figure out how she is going to keep track of them since she has a hard enough time getting him to keep his house shoes on. It's a good thing he is so cute and cuddly and it makes up for the hard work he creates.

I finally got my haircut! It has been since August last year! I'll post a picture soon.

Larry says Hi.

That's it for now. Looking forward to the weekend!

Spain 2009

Spring 2009 - Our Family Travels

Our Thanksgiving 2008

Our first month in germany

Our Second Month in Germany