So it's been a while since my post. I wish I was better at typing on my phone, because I would probably post more. But sadly, I hate the tiny keyboard.
What is happening in the Groth household? Thanks for asking. We had a very busy and fun Christmas season. My parents came to visit and we actually stayed in our house for Christmas! It was a nice and welcomed change. We ate well, drank good wine and played fun games with the kids. We also had plenty of opportunities to enjoy the Christmas markets.
It's hard to believe it is already February! January is just a blur. I have to say it was a rather dull month as the sun went into hiding and it rained and rained and rained. We did have a nice time when we went to Wuppertal to visit our friend Sarah.
She used towatch the kids when we first moved here. Now she has her own place and invited us over to see it and eat waffles! We also got out one night (adults only!) for a curry party. Yummy!
Last weekend, in order to cure our cabin fever, we headed out and over to Brussels. We were hoping for a relaxing weekend with kids swimming a little and us sight seeing a little. In the end it was just an okay weekend away. After a few trips to Belgium, we have concluded we just don't care much for the country. It is so dirty and run down. I was told it isn't because they are broke, but because their government can't agree on anything (hmm, that sounds familiar). I was so surprised and disappointed by how dirty and unkept the streets and parks were.

But we made the best of it.
So that's it for now. Hopefully February will offer something exciting to post. Since I am leaving for Vienna in 6 hours, I'm guessing that will be my next post.