Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Alarm Clock

I'm told that people who live next to train tracks don't even hear the train passing by after they've lived there a while. We thought that maybe that would be the case with our "Church Bells", however, we've yet to tune them out. Now, the tunes they play are not offensive, in fact, its rather nice to the casual listener. However, when its Saturday morning and there's a chance your kids are gonna sleep-in (till 8am), you not very interested in the local church bell concert at 6:30am. But alas, we can't escape it, they wake us daily at 6:30am, and on the odd chance we fall back asleep at say, 6:50am, they get us again at 7:00 and 7:3o, etc... So, we thought we'd share the melodies of our mornings with our readers. Sit back for the 2 plus minutes and experience it for yourself.

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