Sunday, July 6, 2008

Still in temp living...

Happy 4th July! We are doing well. We are living in Widdersdorf for another week and a half. We have American neighbors so that is nice. Our building is all Ford employees. We are now official residents of Germany. We went to the city hall and had so much fun with the kids all day in a city building. Everyone knows the Groth's have arrived. Landon loved the echo of his screaming through the open attruim. The language is very challenging. hopefully german lessons will start soon.

I'm very excited about my new coffee maker! I can make my own lattes! The kids are adjusting fine. Ali is very bored because our air shipment is overdue. it should have been here a week ago. landon is out of his allergy medicine, so things are starting to go downhill. that shipment needs to arrive! He is actually sick right now. We got our first experience in the German ER. It went well luckly. Landon just has a virus, but he was having problems breathing. We thought he was having an allergic reaction to something.

So that is it for now. We have ordered internet service for our new place, but have been told it will be at least 2 weeks. So I am hopeful sometime in August. I will then be able to download some pictures.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're old Dearborn neighbors are checking out your page. Hope your stuff gets there soon! Since you sold your house in A2, perhaps you could return to the old 'hood when your return. !!!!!

Much love,
Deb Vargas, Michelle Millard and Ade Saliba

Spain 2009

Spring 2009 - Our Family Travels

Our Thanksgiving 2008

Our first month in germany

Our Second Month in Germany